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Why You Need a PIM System for E-Commerce

March 23, 2018

A PIM system is the faithful squire of your e-commerce platform. Designed to make your everyday pursuits as easy and streamlined as possible, PIM systems can reduce the time, expense, difficulty and struggle associated with running an e-commerce business.

Here are six reasons why you will need PIM if you want success with your e-commerce initiatives.


1. Shorter Product Lead Times

One of the biggest benefits of adding a PIM system to your e-commerce platform is that it will work wonders to decrease your product lead times.

By allowing you and your team to manage and edit all product information at once, a good PIM can make go-to-market faster and more streamlined. You’ve heard the saying “time is money,” and decreasing product lead times can help you save money and preserve the resources associated with your company.



2. Coherent Cross-Channel Product Information

If you’re not using a PIM system for e-commerce, you may find that it’s difficult to create cross-channel product information that’s consistent and accurate.

With the help of a PIM solution, though, it’s possible to create, edit and manage your product information all at once. Even if you’re managing products on various platforms, a PIM system makes it possible to limit mistakes when updating item numbers, references, catalogs, SKU data and more.


3. Better User Experience Because Product Descriptions Are Better

While lots of e-commerce managers don’t think of it, customer experience gets better when product organization and descriptions get better.

The more intelligently your products are laid out, the more efficiently they’re categorized. The more comprehensive their descriptions are, the easier it becomes for your readers to conduct searches and find the products they want to interact with.


4. Enriching Your Data Gives You a Competitive Edge

In the world of e-commerce, getting a competitive edge over other companies often comes down to simply providing more information and data.

A PIM system can help you do this. By using a PIM system to enrich and enhance your data, you can provide more value to your users and outpace your competition. This, in turn, helps your business grow and makes it easier to enjoy upward mobility.


5. More Cross Sales and Up Sales

If you’ve been looking for a way to increase your cross sales and promote up sales, a PIM solution can help. Because PIM systems decrease the amount of time you have to spend hands-on with your data, they make it easier to devote more energy to your sales strategy.

Once you’ve identified items you want to focus on, a PIM system allows you to come up with ways to orchestrate cross sales. What’s more, PIM solutions help you link products and create the up sales that can help you grow your business.

6. Fewer Product Returns

When customers know what they’re buying (thanks to comprehensive product descriptions and more detailed product information), they’re less likely to return products after they purchase them. This cuts down on time you’ll spend restocking materials and helps you grow your company in a streamlined and upwardly mobile way.

In addition to cutting down on the stress and difficulty of restocking items, reduced product returns also help promote customer happiness and ensure you’re providing an easy experience for your customers.

A Good PIM System Makes Your Life Easier

If you’re operating an e-commerce business, a good PIM system is one of the most important tools you can seek out. By decreasing your product lead times, reducing product returns, promoting cross sales and up sales, enriching your data information and streamlining your user experience, a PIM solution can make your e-commerce initiatives that much more successful. 


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