Transform your Document Workflow with AI

Spend less time reading and typing manual data

Wasting too much time, money, and paper?

MyPaperflow is a cutting-edge application developed to revolutionize document processing. Offering unparalleled control over technology, MyPaperflow not only ensures high-quality data but also facilitates seamless task completion, offering comprehensive support for processes like purchase invoice processing, delivery note entry, and customer purchase order handling.

Effortless Speed and Accuracy with MyPaperflow

Ready to go

MyPaperflow can be used immediately thanks to its pre-trained models. You don’t have to set up document templates to get started.


Scalable and adaptable

It can handle large volumes of data and adapt to different document formats and languages.

The power of AI

Our machine learning models are continually improved, progressively reducing the need for human intervention.

Streamlined Efficiency

Native integration with your ERP & reduced approval times.

Distinct Advantage

We don’t just provide MyPaperflow, which is a document processing solution, but we also have control over its underlying technology, known as the Paperflow Engine.
This unique advantage enables us to tailor and improve our machine learning models to better meet our customers’ needs.

We prioritize you

We leverage user experience (UX) as a key differentiating element for MyPaperflow. By placing a strong emphasis on user-centric design principles, we ensure that our product delivers an intuitive, seamless, and delightful experience. Through thoughtful interface design, streamlined workflows, and responsive interactions, we prioritize user satisfaction and efficiency.

Focused on Business Process

MyPaperflow not only delivers high-quality data but also helps users complete tasks effectively. Whether it’s processing purchase invoices, entering delivery notes, or handling customer purchase orders, we provide comprehensive support throughout the entire business process, enhancing efficiency and user satisfaction.

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Transform your Document Workflow with AI