Produmex WMS helps Oliehoorn provide the best service to their clients
With Produmex WMS, Oliehoorn is able to deliver the best service to their customers and ready to continue growing
Laboratoria Wolfs digitally transformed their logistics with Produmex WMS
Laboratoria Wolfs is a pharma and food manufacturer that uses Produmex WMS to automate their logistic processes.
Prime Beverage Group gets real-time visibility from using WMS, Beas and B1UP
With Beas Manufacturing, Produmex WMS and B1 Usability Package, Prime Beverage Group is able to grow the production and warehousing capacity.
How Papelera Principado optimized their warehouse operations, picking & more
Papelera Principado with Produmex WMS
Enhancing Food Safety: The Crucial Role of Produmex WMS in Managing Food Recalls
Food safety is of paramount importance in the food industry, and when a potential contamination or issue arises, swift and accurate action is imperative to protect consumers and maintain trust.
No WMS Integration to Your ERP Costs You Money and Jeopardize Your Brand
WMS Integration is a must-have to compete it today’s world. As customers goes online, you need to act fast pick a WMS integration vs interface.
What is the best warehouse order picking method for your business?
Learn how to select the right picking method for your warehouse as it is key in becoming more efficient, reduce the number of product returns and can influence your customer satisfaction.
Country of Origin – why provenance matters to consumers
As consumers are becoming increasingly choosy about the provenance of various foodstuffs, country of origin labeling can have a considerable influence on their perceptions and purchasing decisions.
Why does the pharma industry use GS1 DataMatrix 2D barcodes on their packaging
The healthcare industry is facing market forces such as drug counterfeiting placing global public health at risk , social reimbursement fraud, ineffective product recalls, and supply chain inefficiencies.
Supporting Country of Origin with Produmex WMS for Food & Beverage in 3 easy steps
Changes in consumer behavior and trust regarding provenance and country of origin labeling, combined with regulatory requirements from the BRC, FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act, and the likes of NAFTA , food and beverage distributors and manufacturers require effective traceability systems of ingredients to remain competitive, increase brand value while meeting today’s industry challenges.